Saturday, April 13, 2013

I'm out!

Saturday 13 April 2013

I'm out!

Greetings from sunny and warm Brno. I know it's sunny and warm because, after 10 days of incarceration, I'm out of the hospital and really walking around town :-)
Doctors gave me the all clear, and after paying the standard bill (800kc), and the upgrade to private room bill (8000kc) I was cut loose. What I came away with is a new right-side DBS unit pictured here:

Well, it's not really pictured, but you get the idea...

One of the benefits of blogging is the feedback I get. My readers respond with good wishes, horror, humor, and what's especially rewarding: updates of their own. Among the news I've received are: new grandchildren, a bike trip to Spain, a new job, a PhD scholarship, and not surprisingly several medical issues including a collapsed lung, prostate surgery, and even a kidney transplant. So thx to everybody for your encouragement, wishes, and updates. Let's stay in touch as we travel on our journeys, and share the moments :-)

Next stop for this blogger is a visit to the doc tuesday for stitches removal, then a return to Hosptial St. Anne next month for replacement of the other side DBS. They say it will be routine; I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Ciao for now!

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