Sunday, July 4, 2004

Brain Blog 2004 #3

Hank's brain blog (#3)

I'm Back! But just barely. I returned home from

Scripps hospital today, and wanted to get out a

mesage to everyone.. The first surgery Tuesday to

implant the wires in my head went very well and the

activation test of a temporary stimulation device

proved successful. They screwed a sterotactic tooling

device into my skull, drilled 2 holes in my head just

behind the hairline, and implanted wires in each hole.

Due to my good health (and the doctor's vacation

plans) they offered to "double-up" and do my second

phase during this visit. In spite of nausea and

vomiting from an intolerance of the anasthesia and

narcotics, I decided to tough it out and go for the

package deal. They subsequently on thursday installed

the dual stimulation devices in my chest and tunneled

the connecting wires under my scalp, then down behind

my ears and neck. That procedure also went very well,

and I should be ready for activatating the devices in

about 30 days.

Due to my weak stomach and the back-to-back surgeries,

I actually didn't eat anything between Monday evening

and Friday morning. (The brain surgery diet?). In

addition, I refused all pain medication, so it's been

a rough week. The good news is that I'm back home,

both surgeries are completed, and now it's just a

matter of recuperating and starting to eat once again.

Thank you all for your support and kind words; they

were very helpful to me during the ordeal.

I intend to provide you with continued updates as

practical and look forward to staying in touch.

Until then, cheers!


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